Life Style

Due to this habit of women, they may fall victim to this major disease, pay attention

Many women set a time for Masterbation, if during that time they do not get lonely, then they start getting stressed and get angry.

In such a situation the possibility of quarrel with other people increases. Hematuria is a disease found in women, in which blood starts coming in the urine. Urine becomes thick and smells from it.

According to the secret specialists, the chances of getting the disease increases due to sex. It also causes a lot of weakness and lack of blood.

Excessive Masterbation causes problems in period, menstruation or menstrual cycle. Due to this, there is dryness in the genitals and there is itching and pain.

Not only this, there is also a problem in getting children later. In the end, the most important thing is that sexual desire starts decreasing in women with sex.

By doing this, they do not enjoy sexual intercourse more and then they have difficulty in reaching the climax of sex.