Life Style

After sex every girl should take care of this thing, Otherwise there can be a big problem

Most women do not know what to take care of before having sex or after sex. Infections are most spread in women due to lack of cleanliness of private parts.

Therefore, women should take care of some important things after having sex. During sex, the vaginal tissues become smooth and are swollen by rubbing so that their action changes.

So now we are going to tell you what to do and not immediately after sex.

Go to the washroom immediately after the intercourse:

Bacteria are produced in private parts while having sex. Therefore, one should go to the washroom immediately after sex because urine brings out all the bacteria and there is no infection in the vagina.

Do not take bath with hot water:

After sex, the entrance of the vagina becomes bigger. Therefore, bathing with hot water immediately after the intercourse increases the risk of infection. Bathing with hot water should be avoided after sex.

Eat probiotic-rich food:

Pay special attention to what kind of food you eat after the intercourse. You can eat yeast foods like yogurt, kombachha or kimchi. This causes the beneficial bacteria to accumulate again so that there is no yeast infection in the vagina.

Do not apply soap in private parts:

Do not use soap not just after sex but also after a long time. Vaginal cleaning is done automatically.

Wear comfortable underwear:

Most underwear is made of noilan and polyester with no air in it. Wearing such underwear immediately after the intercourse may increase germ counts.

So wear only casual and derwear.

Do not use wet cloth: After cleaning the wet cloth after the intercourse, the chemical present in it may irritate the private parts. So clean with plain water or vinegar.