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Here are some ideas to detect Two Way Mirror in Trial Rooms

Here are some ideas to detect Two Way Mirror in Trial Rooms for protecting your modesty

Hidden cameras, Two Way Mirror, Trial Rooms, Showrooms, Malls, Lifestyle news, Offbeat newsPhoto related to news of Here are some ideas to detect Two Way Mirror in Trial Rooms for protecting your modesty.

As we all know that we have seen many cases of hidden cameras incidents but today we have decided to bring an article about how to detect Two Way Mirror in Trial Rooms. We hope this article will be benefited to many people who are reading this post. Let us share those techniques with all of you here.


Hidden cameras, Two Way Mirror, Trial Rooms, Showrooms, Malls, Lifestyle news, Offbeat news


Here are some ideas to protect you modesty from Two Way Mirror while changing clothes in Trail Rooms:


Hidden cameras, Two Way Mirror, Trial Rooms, Showrooms, Malls, Lifestyle news, Offbeat news


* Finger Test: In this technique you need to place your fingernail against the reflective surface and if there is a gap between your fingernails then it is a genuine mirror. If your fingernail directly touches the image of your nail, then it is a two-way mirror where you need be very careful.


Hidden cameras, Two Way Mirror, Trial Rooms, Showrooms, Malls, Lifestyle news, Offbeat news


* Using a flash light: Just focus your phone’s flashlight directly on to the mirror & in a two-way mirror you will likely be able to peer through the mirror, where as in a mirror the light will be reflected back.


Hidden cameras, Two Way Mirror, Trial Rooms, Showrooms, Malls, Lifestyle news, Offbeat news


* Tap the mirror: When you tap on the surface of the mirror with your bare knuckle then in normal mirror will usually produce a dull sound because it is placed in front of the wall. Whereas two way mirror will make a more hollow sound. There again you need to be careful.


Hidden cameras, Two Way Mirror, Trial Rooms, Showrooms, Malls, Lifestyle news, Offbeat news


Some brilliant ideas to detect Two Way Mirror in Trial Rooms for protecting your modesty:


Hidden cameras, Two Way Mirror, Trial Rooms, Showrooms, Malls, Lifestyle news, Offbeat news


* Look at it: Just you need to go closer to the mirror & try to look through it. And there is possibility that you might be able to see the other side.


Hidden cameras, Two Way Mirror, Trial Rooms, Showrooms, Malls, Lifestyle news, Offbeat news


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Hidden cameras, Two Way Mirror, Trial Rooms, Showrooms, Malls, Lifestyle news, Offbeat news


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