Life Style

Essential tips to prevent, and treat, excessive hair loss

Hair fall is a biggest problem in todays world .It is said that falling 100 hair a day is normal. Hair fall is due to genetics or age issue. But what if your hair suddenly starts falling in bunches and clumps, then you must need to look after your hair health seriously.

If your hair starts falling more than normal times then be alert, you may have a disease called Alopecia Areata, It is an autoimmune disease this attacks your immune and kills healthy cells of body. This also attacks hair follicles which causes them to shrink and stop producing hair.

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If you are having Alopecia Areata:

Your hair is falls excessively not just from your head but from your eyebrows also. You find bald patches on your head, if you are having these symptoms then start taking preventive measures. Go visit to your dermatologist first. Then you can supplement your treatment with some of these home remedies if possible.

Here are some home remedies, which you can try for your hair growth:

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Onion and Garlic-

Onion and Garlic only does not makes food tasty but also helps in improving hair health. Onion and Garlic are rich source of Sulphur which reduces hair fall by increasing Collagen level in body.

Crush some Garlic cloves or one Onion and take its juice apply it to your scalp for 20 minutes and wash your hair as usual.

Essential Oils-

Everyone knows that Essential oil helps in relaxing and helps in reducing stress and depression. Who are suffering from  Alopecia Areata must try Rosemary and Lavender Essential oil it will work for them. They contains nutrients that strengthens the hair follicles and prevent hair losing.

Use these essential oil with mixing them in your regular oil and apply it to your scalp. Wash it off in 40-50 minutes, do twice this in a weak.

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Anti-inflammatory food-

The best way to treat Alopecia Areata is to treat it by eating healthy, healing and non-processed food. Increase your intake of healthy food, eat lots of green leaf veggies, try to eat one bowl of salad full of beans and leafy vegetables.

These are some tips which will help you in improving your hair growth.