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Ways to Move On When You Still Love Your Ex

When breakups happen, it feels like we are drowned in a salty sea that will us swallow up. We want the pain of breakup to end soon. But like everything in life, getting over heartbreak is quite a slow process and it takes a lot of time. The helplessness begins when we are unable to overcome the memories given by that person. But no matter what you do it is always hard to forget their ex-lover. But, today we will tell you super awesome ways to get over your ex


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Foremost rule that is necessary to forget your ex is to block him/her. Just block him/her from all the social media sites, phone calls, text messages, video calls, e-mails, all the possible platforms from where they can contact you. To forget someone, you have to delete the signs of that person’s existence. So blocking is the best way to cut off all your contacts.

Stop Stalking
The more you stalk, the worse you will feel. If you will see them chilling, being with someone else, or anything related to them, you are supposed to miss them and feel bad. You will never be able to forget them until and unless you stop stalking them. There are better things on earth than to stalk your exes.

Delete the contact

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Keeping an ex in your life is not by itself a sign of maturity. If they will be in your address book then you will not be able to forget them. Your hands will keep on itching to contact them if they are there in your contact list.

Go for some casual dates

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You will feel much better when new people will be around you. Opportunity to go on new dates and some casual hooking up will make you feel what you have been missing in life. Remember, if that person was ever better, he/she would not have been your ex. So, forget them completely and meet new and random people.

Have fun with dating apps

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Technologies have improved a lot. It just not only lets you contact with your loved one but it also helps you to get some new love. Meeting someone else makes you forget the previous one. But, it is very difficult to get serious with someone new all of a sudden to make your ex feel jealous or to forget them. But, there is no harm in downloading a dating app and having some fun. Once you get a taste of someone better, you will definitely forget your ex forever.

Make yourself really busy

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Don’t be available for everyone all the time. Keep yourself really busy, adopt some hobbies, passion, and dream. Chase behind them and completely forget about your ex.