Life Style

Wanna Look 5 Years Younger than your age ,try these tips

Lucknow : Everyone wishes to look younger than their actual age trying hard to maintain it. As we grow older with time, wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots etc start appearing on the skin. It’s not possible for us to go back in time but it is possible to make the skin look younger with proper care and correct makeup techniques.

There are a few techniques using which we can look 5 years younger than we actually are with some limitations. It shouldn’t be overdone else it may make you look odd. So below are a few regular skin care routine ideas and a few makeup tips to look young. Most important thing is to practice it regularly for best results.

Clean your diet : 

To keep your skin as taut and glowy as possible, load up on colorful whole foods (think blueberries, cantaloupe, broccoli, kale), good fats (avocado, almonds, fatty wild fish) and lean protein (preferably free range or grass fed).

Exercise Daily : 

Moving your body for at least 30 minutes a day is good for your mind and your complexion. Cardio boosts circulation, which is why your face looks flushed and rosy for hours after exertion. Sitting in a steam room (which causes your heart to pump out more blood than normal) also increases blood flow to your face.

Exfoliate :

Remove all the dead cells accumulated on your face and lessen the sun damages. A facial scrub with alpha-hydroxyl is best to make you look fresh.


Face lift mask :

A face lift mask or a facial mask specially made to reduce your facial wrinkles can help you a lot in looking younger. If you’re applying makeup after the face pack, then it is advisable to apply this face mask a few hours before.

Mosturize :

Don’t forget moisturizing your skin daily. As you grow older, your skin lacks required oils slowly. So it is very important to moisturize your skin regularly.


Avoid sunrays :

Don’t let the sunrays touch your skin as much as possible. Always wear a sunscreen or a sunblock whenever you go outdoors between 10am to 4pm. Reapply the sunscreen lotion every four hours.