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Guru Purnima celebrated at Kripalu Ji Maharaj ‘Guru Dhaam’ in Kunda

Guru Purnima, Kripalu Ji Maharaj, JKP, Guru Dhaam, Kunda, Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh news, Regional newsPhoto of Kripalu Ji Maharaj 'Gurudhaam'.
Pratapgarh: On the auspicious day of ‘Guru Purniam’ more than 15000 devotees reached ‘Guru Dhaam’ Mangarh, to take blessings of Jagaatguru Kripalu Ji Maharaj (JKP) in Kunda district of Pratapgarh today.
Devotees reached this religious place early in the morning on this occasion and perform various rituals to take blessings of there ‘Guru’.
Beside this magnificent aarti was performed in Dhaam with spiritual ‘bhajan and kirtan’. Since from morning devotees performed rituals and take parikrama of ‘Bhakti Dhaam’ while idol of Kripalu Ji Maharaj has been kept on beautifully crafted Rath.
On this day JKP president and daughter of Kripalu Ji Maharaj, Miss Vishakha Tripathi address people saying ‘Guru Purnima’ is a day to analyse our-self that what all we gain in our life through the lessons of our Guru, and still if we did not attain anything then the teaching of our Guru is useless specially on the spiritual path.
Ms Tripathi added further that ‘Guru Purnima is a auspicious day on which pupil thanks there guru for there teaching’.
On other side Ram Puri secretary of JKP said importance of guru in our society is so valuable that without remembering them our work does not get success.
However this particular day of Guru Poornima is dedicated to all the Guru’s who enlightened our life through there lesson. Therefore On this special day lots of puja-paath and various ritual were performed in ‘Guru Dhaam’ Mangarh.
sonalika arya
the authorsonalika arya