
Go to India and leave Pakistan: Nawaz Sharif daughter to Imran Khan

 Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the daughter of the former prime minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, on Friday (April 8, 2022) slammed Imran Khan after he hailed India as ‘khuddar quam’.

Maryam, also the vice president of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), told the Pakistan PM to leave the country and move to India if he “likes it so much”.

“Someone should tell a person who is going crazy after seeing this power gone that he has been expelled by his own party and no one else. If you like India so much then shift there and leave Pakistan,” she said after Khan lauded his neighbour as “khuddar quam” (very self-respecting people).

“This is the first time I have seen someone crying for power like this,” she said ahead of a no-confidence vote against Imran Khan in Pakistan Parliament.

Khan, in an address to the nation ahead of the no-trust motion against him, had said that no superpower can dictate terms to India and had admitted that both New Delhi and Islamabad do not share a good relationship.

“Indians are khuddar quam (very self-respecting people). No superpower can dictate terms to India,” he said on Friday and added that he is “disappointed” that only due to RSS ideology and what is done with Kashmir, Pakistan doesn’t have a good relation.

Raising the foreign hand charge again, Imran Khan said both India and Pakistan got their independence together but Islamabad gets used as tissue paper and thrown away by the hand of foreign forces.

Pranchal Srivastava