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US First Lady Jill has announced to reunite separated immigrant families

First Lady Jill has announced to reunite separated immigrant kids

US President Joe Biden was sworn in and his administration has already started rolling out key policy changes, they claim that was done by the Trump administration over the last four years. US First Lady Jill Biden will lead efforts in the forefront to reunite separated immigrant kids to their families.

Jill’s East Wing will be assigned with the immigrant family reunification mission. The first lady will lead efforts. Her chief of staff will appoint a task force to reunite separated immigrant kids to their families torn apart under Trump’s zero-tolerance and child separation enforcement policies.

Speaking to the press, the spokesperson for the wife of the President of the United States said that the chief will also be responsible to monitor the Biden administration’s effort in searching for the lost children that were snatched from their parents at the US-Mexico border under former President Donald Trump’s ghastly border and immigration policies.

The first lady said earlier this week, in presence of her chief of staff, Ambassador Julissa Reynoso, that she will monitor the federal reunification effort for Biden administration given her background as a lawyer. LaRosa confirmed the East Wing’s involvement in the mission, adding that the first lady was moved by the plight of the separated families during her refugee camp visit across the border from Brownsville, Texas. “We are a welcoming nation, but that’s not the message that we’re sending at the border,” Dr. Jill Biden had said in the media at the time.

Himanshu Johari
the authorHimanshu Johari