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Almonds are very useful to overcome the problem of migraine

If it is about almonds, then this dry fruit is beneficial in many things. Consuming 10-12 pieces of almonds daily is considered beneficial.

Almond eliminates diseases related to the brain at the root. Almonds are also a good source of protein, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron and fiber. Magnesium can effectively combat various migraine activations.

A dose of 500 mg of magnesium in your diet can help treat migraine attacks effectively.

20 grams of raw almonds contain high quality protein, which is the third of the essential amino acids. Massaging the scalp with almond oil also provides relief.

Those people with excess bile in the blood should not eat almonds. Yoga and meditation are the surest migraine medicine.

If you cannot do yoga then do exercise. This will reduce your stress. And with less stress, your depression will go away.