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Know how right and wrong to drink alcohol on an empty stomach


There is a lot of information related to alcohol which is completely wrong and people consider them very accurate. Know the myths related to alcohol which are very common for people.

If you drink alcohol after eating a full meal, then the intoxication will reduce and there will be no adverse effect. We have been following many such things and try our best to do so. But do you know that this is one of the biggest myth

Eating a full meal before drinking alcohol will definitely make the alcohol soak for a while, but it will not have any effect. The same intoxication will be as much as an empty stomach

If more water is drunk then hangover can be avoided or reduced. This is completely a myth. Yes, if you drink water occasionally while drinking alcohol, the effect will be less, but this does not mean that the intoxication will be less or there is no effect on the liver. Even after this, the risks from alcohol remain the same.

The effect of alcohol on men is equally on women. This is a myth; intoxication in women rises more quickly than in men. This is because the level of water in the body of men is higher than that of women due to which the alcohol is washed away in the body, which reduces its effect.

Some people believe that alcohol produces excitement. It is not, alcohol causes depression, which may make you feel agile initially but will reverse it later.

Drinking beer reduces addiction. Drink any amount of beer. Whether it’s a pint of beer, a big glass of wine, or vodka. Alcohol is present in everyone up to 2.8 units. The more you drink, the more you will climb.

The older the wine, the better. This is a myth, there are only certain types of wines which are considered as old as they are better. There are some that should be finished within a year because their expiry is only one year.