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Tips to Be Comfortable Around That Special Someone

Everyone must have crush at some point of their age. There’s a special someone at work or school who’s been in your thoughts lately. If you want to spend time around this person, you’ll eventually have to talk to him or her. Talking to your crush doesn’t have to give you a panic attack. With a few common-sense tips, it’s easy to keep your nervousness under control while you talk to your crush.
Don’t think that you are one who is feeling nervous in talking with your crush then worry not many outgoing person also feels same pressure while talking with their crush.
Talking to your crush is not rocket science, and it doesn’t take memorizing any cheesy pickup lines.
 You can learn how to talk to your crush and become an expert at connecting with them with just these simple tips:
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Start working on your courage:
If you feel that you are nervous then build up your courage. The more you practice, the easier and more familiar the process of introducing yourself gets. Build this skill by complimenting or saying hello to at least one person a day.
Don’t feel that you will get rejection before trying, may be you both are meant to connect but if not then it is okay.
Don’t be nervous. Rather than feeling less-than, remind yourself that you are a catch and think of your best qualities.
Be genuine:
Be genuine with your crush while talking ask them questions, talk about around happening things. Always try to keep your conversation casual. Don’t talk about things which are illogical.  Be interested and show that you are genuinely hearing them (not just looking at them), and bonding will begin.
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Change conversation to connection:
While you are talking with each other try to make your connection more strong by sharing more things about your selves you may show your photo gallery to your crush ant tell memories behind those pics, ask them for dance or you can share your life’s story with them.
Find out your crush hobbies, their family, friends talking about these things will make your crush feel some kind of connection with you.
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Stay in touch with your crush:
Once you met with your crush try to exchange number or add yourself at FB with your crush so that you both can talk to each other.
Text or call them on regular base ask to hang out or to go for movie with you so that you both can give time to each other this will help you in understanding your crush in much better way.
So friends don’t feel shy in talking to your crush. Move your step forward just show some courage just go and talk to your crush. Then apply all these tips to make you bond more strong.