IPL 2020

Do you think the age gap is important in relationships? Comment below

How many years are between you and your significant other? Age differences in dating relationships – and in marriages – are often a hot-button topic for couples with 5, 10, or more years between them. The privilege of similar-aged couples is that they might rarely think about this question, but it’s a struggle for adult couples, especially as they begin to form a relationship, to understand how their age difference may affect their relationship.

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Though a  relationship consists of two people who are willing to accept the good and bad aspects of each other and move ahead in life together.They are willing to adjust no matter what but, does age difference matter in a relation. Yes it does matter.The norms of the society have been constructed on the basis of keeping lot of aspects in mind such as biological, physical, emotional and financial.Age is associated with the level of stability and maturity in a person which is essential in a relationship.Here are some things to know that does age gap necessary in relationship.

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 Why age gap  is necessary in relationship :

Biological Aspect:  Well biologically men tend to mature biological 2 years lesser than their age, while women mature 2 years over their actual age. Hence, the above suggested age gap.

.Emotional: An older person is often associated with emotional stability while the younger one is impulsive. Hence, the age gap should be maintained to have a balance in the relationship, again supporting the argument of “Is age difference important in a relationship.”

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Financial Security: Financial stability comes with age and experience. A starter has enumerable aspects that he/she has to work-out before settling down such as bank balance etc. A proper age gap ensures that the post-marriage life is settled and one doesn’t have to fight for bare minimums.

Menopausal Aspect: Is age difference important in a relationship? Yes if you take the menopausal age into consideration since men attain menopausal age after 50 while women reach menopause between 45-48 years.

Future: People want to think of retirement around 60-65 years of age. A woman of 35 would want to enjoy and make most of her life and not think of retirement as her husband who is 60, similarly if both the partners retire together they have adjustment issues.