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SHOCKING Reasons Why Women Never Approach Men First

One of the most recurring complaints we hear from men,is that women don’t approach them first in relationship or why they dont take any initiative .
Women frequently message guys they’re interested in when it comes to online dating; it just seems less significant compared to the many men who will shotgun out messages.Even at the time of proposal its boys who take initiative first not girl’s.

Image result for Basic Reasons Why Girls Still Won't Approach A Guy First

So Before coming to any factor let’s first read the reasons why girls don’t approach boys?

What he will think about me?

Girls never like that anyone judge them. This is the main reason why they do not approach any men thinking that what he will think about me? Girls think that “what he will think which type of girl I am?” And many other questions like this scare her.

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Fear of rejection:

Fear of rejection is something which is almost the biggest fear among all humans. Girls think that whether he likes me or not? What if he is interested in some other girl? And when she proposes him he rejects her. There are many such questions that run in their minds. Because of this fear, she does not even ask for what she likes, or to walk on the date and stops herself.

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If he is already in relationship with someone:

When it comes to approach any boy girls involved themselves in many questions. The thought which stop her is that what if he is in relationship with other girl? This thought stops their moving step.

Girls stop thinking that what others will think about you? If you like someone just go and approach that person. Who knows may be he is just waiting just for you?