IPL 2020

BEWARE GIRL’S! Sacrifices You Should Never Make In A Relationship

Relationships can either bring mutual growth and happiness, or suffocation after a while. Every relation teaches you some lesson whether you stay with someone for a few weeks or for an entire lifetime. Some of the relationship support, encourage, uplift, and challenge you to become a better person while some drain your energy and make you feel bad about yourself.

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Everyone makes commitment in relationship. Being in relationship, both of them has to make adjustments in order to make their relationship happy.  Mutual understanding is must between both the partners. But, never lose your self-respect in relationship. Especially woman has to make more adjustments because man always posses with their dominating characteristics. Here are few things that woman should never sacrifice in relationship

Never deal with your dreams

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An ideal relationship is that in which both support each other at every step. If you don’t have someone who has your back then don’t hesitate to leave the relationship. If you have some dreams about your future and your partner compels you to stop dreaming it then leave that guy immediately.

Compromise with friends

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There are some special friends in everyone’s life with whom they share a special bonding. Your partner and your friends should be equally important for you. If he doesn’t like your friends then leave that guy immediately. As it shows a great dominating gesture of your partner.


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If your partner tells you to leave your job and spend time with him then he is surely not worried about you and your future. If he makes pressure on you to leave your job then that guy just not worth you. Don’t hesitate to leave your partner.

Keep your thoughts on everything

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If your partner never ask your opinion in different matters then it shows that he just do not care what you want. He does what he likes to. The opinions of both people in any relationship matters the most.

Change your look

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If your guy asks you to change your look then it means he is in love with your looks not with you. A true partner likes you for what you are. He never becomes judgmental. Just be happy with your personality then do not change yourself for anyone.