
Your Period Blood Says a lot About Your Health condition?See what

Yes this is true that females monthly periods color tells about their health conditions,
normally females ignore the color of their period blood.
 Period has its own shades of colours,changing from red to brown, black or blue.
 But every shade tells some different thing from other color, and these change in period shades
are harmfull for female health.
The colour of your period blood may also sometimes tell your internal body health.
Every month you suffer from this, some times its heavy flow, sometimes low flow,
may be sometimes it is very painfull.All these things happens and you take it very lightly but
 now be carefull about your color of period blood.
See what your period blood says:
When you are having light pinkish or red color blood it tells that your periods are lighter
than normal times. if you are stressed out, full atheletic than you will have highter flow and
it is normal.
If you have lighter and lighter flow of periods month by month than you have to make a look
at your health because it shows that you are suffering from deficincy of vitamins and
Symptom of anemia can be easily found if you are having whitish diluted flow and if it
 continues till 2-3 cycle than do visit to your doctor.
If you are having brown color than its the blood that sticks longest in your uterus and
if it become black than its not so serious .
Sometimes your periods comes with cloting of blood it show high level of estrogen or low
progestrone this cloting of blood is caused due to hormonal disbalance.
you all knows that periods are different from normal cut blood, these period bloods also
 deserve some respect so take care of your health as your periods are also a part of your
healthy health, as health is wealth.