HealthScience & Tech

Now flies will help scientists to understand brain functioning!

Flies, Brain, Drosophila genus, Scientist, Function of brain, Health news, Science and Technology newsPhoto related to news of Now flies will help scientists to understand brain functioning!

Washington: To know answer of secrets behind that is what is the procedure within the brain that it takes friction of second to perform any activity with body, the scientist have invented a new technique to understand the network of innumerable episodes within the brain.



Now in this regard, scientists have discovered a new technology with the help of flies to understand the smallest movement within the brain which will help researchers to read out brain’s function.



The researchers from the United States’ California Institute of Technology have developed a method to understand the entire wiring of the brain using flies Drosophila genus.



Scientists develop new technology to know brain functioning with the help of flies:



The neuron’s episodes inside brain can be easily seen by penetrating inside the brain through these living bees.



Also, it can be seen how the message travels from one place to another in between the web of the neurons.



Significantly, there are billions of neurons present in the human brain, which remain confined to each other like a trap and contact through electromagnetic and chemical signals.