
An abnormal activity Sexsomnia puts effect during deep sleep!

Lucknow : Sexsomnia is considered a type of parasomnia, an abnormal activity, behavior, or experience that occurs during deep sleep. But many of the facts about sexsomnia, such as its exact cause, the variety of symptoms, and its prevalence, are not understood.

Sexsomnia is a relatively new condition, with the first official case reported in 1986. And according to a 2015 study, only 94 cases of sleep sex have been documented worldwide.

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Sexsomnia often causes self-touching or sexual motions, but it can also cause an individual to seek sexual intimacy with others unknowingly. Sexsomnia may also occur at the same time as other parasomnia activities, such as sleepwalking or talking.

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Dealing with sexsomnia in a marriage can mean a lot of different thing. For some, it’s the occasional, unthreatening episode that can be easily navigated. For others, it can be such a traumatic situation that it forces the couples into separate beds. Luckily, it’s a growing area of research and different treatments are being tested and developed. So hopefully, there will be an effective way to handle it, in all of it’s many forms, soon. But in the meantime, if sexsomnia affects your relationship then remember how surprisingly common it is. A huge number of people are affected by it—and there’s never any shame in asking for help.