IPL 2020

Why is there a cross mark on the backside of a train ?

New Delhi : Do you know the meaning of this ‘X’ written on train ?
Every day millions of people travel by train. Have you ever seen the last bogey in the train? Probably not, many people will never see or read the last bog of the train. Today, We will tell you the meaning of ‘X’ written at last bogie of train.
The last vehicle of a train is supposed to carry a red lamp at the rear. Earlier, the requirement was for merely an oil lamp, which was often missing or very feeble.

If a train passes by a station or signal cabin without the appropriate last vehicle indication (or without confirmation of the number of coaches or wagons as mentioned above), it is assumed that the train has parted and suitable emergency procedures are brought into play.

There are some cases where a Last Vehicle indication is not required — for instance, when the number of coaches or wagons in a train can be passed on to each block section after verification from the previous block section at the time the Line Clear indication is obtained (and with exchange of private numbers). The information is also provided to the section controllers. In some cases when working entirely within one block section, an ‘LV’ sign is not needed, if the number of coaches or wagons is communicated telephonically to the next station.