
‘50% projects push can create 2.5 lakh jobs in UP’ says a study

'under implementation'

LUCKNOW: If 50% of proposed projects in UP are implemented they could generate around 2.5 lakh job opportunities in the state, says a study conducted by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham).

It says though UP attracted the maximum investment in India between 2012-17, most of its projects are stuck because of procedural delays like environment clearances, land unavailability or red tape.

Irrigation sector has most projects ‘under implementation’, followed by mining. A higher `under implementation rate’ implies most projects are under process and not complete.
The report also revealed that the under implementation rate in UP has increased sharply from its lowest level of 52.4% in FY 2012 to 70.2% in FY 2017.
 The Assocham has suggested the UP government set up a special monitoring committee to supervise and ensure removal of hurdles on priority for timely completion of these pending projects.