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Sharad Purnima also called Kojagari full moon,its significance

Sharad Purnima also called Kojagari full moon,its significanceSharad Purnima also called Kojagari full moon,its significance

Sharad Purnima also called Kojagari full moon,its significance

Lucknow : Sharad Purnima is on 5th October. Ashwani Shukla Paksha’s full moon is called Sharad Purnima. Purnima, which falls in Ashwin month, has special significance. It is especially important to awaken the night of Sharad Purnima and keep the moon light in the night. On this night, the Moon appears to be performing in its entire sixteen arts. Sharad Purnima is also known as Kojagari or Kojaggar Purnima.

Goddess Lakshmi was born on the day of Sharad Purnima. It is believed that on this day Goddess Lakshmi comes to visit the earth with Lord Vishnu on her riding owl. Therefore, the moon also shines from the sixteen arts on the sky. The devotees who worship Goddess Lakshmi and their vehicle, including Lord Vishnu, at Dhal moonlight night of Sharad Purnima.

If rituals are performed on this day, it will certainly be successful. It is believed that on this day Lord Krishna made Maharashta with the Gopis. On this day there is amrit rain in the moon rays. For this reason, keeping Kheer on this day and keeping it in the moonlight overnight, it is the law of eating in the morning in the morning. On the night of Sharad Purnima 2017, the moon is very close to our earth. According to the scriptures, Goddess Lakshmi was born on the day of Sharad Purnima. It is believed that on this day Goddess Lakshmi comes to visit the earth with Lord Vishnu on her riding owl. Therefore, the moon also shines from the sixteen arts on the sky. The devotees who worship Goddess Lakshmi and their vehicle, including Lord Vishnu, at Dhal moonlight night of Sharad Purnima.

It is believed that on the day of Lakshmi Puja, Goddess Laxmi goes to see who is awake for them. Therefore people awake all night. To cut time, the pachisi is played from cows. Gambling is also a tradition of play so that newlyweds find out the importance of victory in life.

On this day, human beings fasted fast by bathing and staying with Jindari. The wealthy person installed the statue of Swarnamayi Lakshmi covered with cloth or copper clay, and worshiped him with various treatments.

Then, after the moonlight in the evening, burn 100 lamps filled with gold, silver or clay ghee. After this, prepare ghee mixed kheer and put it in many characters and keep it in the moonlight moonlight. When one Prahar (6 hours) passes, then offer all kheer to Lakshmiji.

After this, devotionally devotee Satavik Brahmins to the food of this Prasad Kheer and singing the Manglik songs along with them and doing auspicious work awakening the night. After bathing in the Arunodaya period, the golden statue of Lakshmiji should be presented to the teacher.