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The Impact of Whole Grains on Health .Read here

Whole wheat is considered as healthy food always. Wheat is full of fibres which contains various nutrients that are helpful for our health but one thing which is also found in wheat is gluten which can cause major health issue for gluten intolerant people.

So now let us talk about benefits and also the  health issues it causes  to our body:

Firstly we should know that what is gluten found in wheat ?

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Gluten is a family of proteins found in grains like wheat, rye, spelt and barley. Of the gluten-containing grains, wheat is the most commonly consumed.
The two main proteins in gluten are glutenin and gliadin. Gliadin is responsible for most of the negative health effects. Wheat contains gluten this does not means that wheat is only causes bad effect.

Nutritional value of wheat:

100 g of wheat flour contains 340 calories, 10.7 g fibre, 72 g of carbohydrates, 13.2 g of proteins, 0.4 g of sugar, 2.5 g fats, 0.07 g of omega-3 fatty acids and 11 % water content.

Here are some ways by which wheat can affects adversely to health:

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Triggers blood sugar levels
Products made by refined grains, like white bread enhances the blood sugar levels, this happens because the white bread gets digested quickly resulting in soared blood sugar levels. When it comes to whole grains products, they consist of fibre content. The more the fibre, the slower the blood sugar levels get triggered. But when the whole grains are reduced into finer particles, they tend to get digested too softly and this results in increase blood sugar levels.

Reduces mineral absorption by the body
Plant seeds contain a substance called phytic acid which has the ability to absorb crucial minerals from the body.
Whole wheat contains more phytic acid compared to refined wheat; this phytic acid which is presented in whole wheat makes our body refrain from absorbing are calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium.

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Linked to brain diseases
Research has revealed that there is a link between wheat consumption and brain diseases. These brain diseases were caused due to gluten intake.
Gluten also causes schizophrenia, anxiety and epilepsy.

So friends if you are also among those who are gluten intolerant consult your doctor then only eat foods which contain gluten.