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Attention girls, women don’t do these things during periods

Attention girls, women don’t do these things during periods

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Periods instead of being a blessing is a curse also. Girls go through hell when they are on their periods. There are a number of activities girls definitely don’t feel like doing because of how their body feels.


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There are also a number of things you should never do in your period or mensuration, not just because they don’t feel great, but because they could also harm your health.


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Everyone’s body is different, so some people may be more sensitive to these things than others, but if you struggle through your period, it might just be best to avoid these things. Here are few things that girls should never while one their periods.


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1. Avoid Shaving: When girls are on their periods, their estrogen levels drop dramatically. Having such a low estrogen count makes all of your physical pain hurt much more due to your body becoming so sensitive. As waxing is extremely painful so while on periods it is something that girls should not do.


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Hey Girls! These things you should not be doing on periods:


Periods, Menstruation, Menstrual cycle, Shaving, Romantic movies, Sad movies, Salty foods, Calories, Sex, Girls, Women, Woman, Ladies, Health news, Lifestyle news


2. Avoid sad or romantic movies: When girls are on their periods, they have a quick and lot mood swings. The hormone levels are so out of balance that as their body tries to adapt, their mind does not know how to react. Avoid watching sad and romantic types of films, as they can heighten your sensitivity. Instead, use this time to catch up on the newest humor films.


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3. Avoid using less protection at night time: The myth that a woman can’t get pregnant while on her period continues to linger. As it turns out, many find themselves unexpectedly expecting after getting frisky without a condom or birth control during their time of the month.


Periods, Menstruation, Menstrual cycle, Shaving, Romantic movies, Sad movies, Salty foods, Calories, Sex, Girls, Women, Woman, Ladies, Health news, Lifestyle news


4. Avoid salty foods: The experts tell that this is one of the best things that girls should be doing during periods. Having salty foods can be harmful for girls. Instead, girls should eat healthy stuff, like fruits and vegetables which helps in supplying our bodies much needed minerals and vitamins.


Periods, Menstruation, Menstrual cycle, Shaving, Romantic movies, Sad movies, Salty foods, Calories, Sex, Girls, Women, Woman, Ladies, Health news, Lifestyle news


5. Assume calories don’t count: It doesn’t matter what time of month it is, calories count the same no matter when you consume them. While we all want to pamper ourselves during that time of the month, we need to plan out our eating carefully. Sure, eating a bit of chocolate is comforting, but instead of tackling a whole chocolate bar.